
第三部分 恐怖故事系列

当我们想到1692年的塞勒姆女巫审判, we may conjure horrific mental images of women being burned at the stake or bound by ropes 和 thrown into the water. But our assumptions about what happened during that bizarre time in American history may be misguided, 我们的心理形象可能只不过是误解.

Dr. 约翰·霍华德·史密斯是德克萨斯大学的历史教授&m.s University-商务,专攻17世纪早期美国宗教史th 和18th 世纪. 作为清教主义的专家,他研究并讲授了塞勒姆女巫审判案. 为十月的幽灵故事系列做贡献, Smith sat down to bust some myths 和 share fascinating insight into this strange historic event.



当我们想到女巫审判, we might imagine a poor woman tied to a stake with a pile of burning wood at her feet. 然而,这并不准确. Smith explained that witch burning was done mainly in Europe during the medieval ages. Accused witches 在塞勒姆 were hanged, not burned, but the hangings were just as horrible.

A drawing of Bridget Bishop, a woman hanged for witchcraft, by Joseph Boggs Beale, circa 1885

“The hangings didn't go as you see in films either—with a platform 和 a trap door,” he said. “他们把受害者从梯子上推下去,让他们慢慢被勒死. They didn't break their necks 和 have ‘lights out' like it happened in later hangings.”

有, 然而, one exception: a man named Giles Corey was pressed to death with stones for refusing to enter a plea when charged with witchcraft.


Many people think that what happened 在塞勒姆 was not all that unique 和 that Puritans were routinely holding witch hunts in towns 和 villages all over. 这是不准确的.

虽然非常严格和虔诚的宗教, 清教徒通常不像我们在媒体上看到的那样是猎巫人. Smith explained that although witchcraft was illegal 和 a person could be charged 和 tried, 有一个适当的和预期的程序必须遵循. And a big part of that procedure was that legitimate physical proof had to be produced.

“总的来说, 法庭应该分别仔细审查原告和被告, 和 so that it was easy to figure that an accuser was lying or motivated by an ongoing dispute.”

然而, 当歇斯底里在塞勒姆爆发时, 塞勒姆市民抛弃了规则手册, 包括标准法庭功能. 而不是指挥秩序, 法院组织, officials 在塞勒姆 allowed everyone to gather in the courtroom all at once 和 fling accusations, 然后又引发了混乱的歇斯底里.

“有几个当法官的人甚至没有接受过法律培训. 而且当时还没有辩护律师这种东西. 通常会有一个检察官, but they didn't even have prosecutors in the Court of Oyer 和 Terminer that tried the accused witches. They just had this tribunal of men who were hearing the supposed evidence 和 then rendering judgment,史密斯解释道.

因为塞勒姆违反了规定和程序, the witch hunts that happened (contrary to popular belief) were an anomaly in common Puritan culture.

“猎巫在新英格兰清教徒的历史中占的比重并不大,”史密斯确认道. “塞勒姆是个例外. 这是不寻常的.”


一群人围着一位年轻女子的油画, 检查她光秃秃的背上是否有记号,以证明她是个女巫
A painting titled “The Examination of a Witch,” where a court searches for “the witch’s teat.汤普金斯·马特森(Thompkins H . mattson) 1853年的画作

关于塞勒姆女巫测试的故事广为流传, 其中包括把一个被怀疑是女巫的人扔进水里. 如果它们漂浮, they were proven to be a witch; if they drowned, 太糟糕了, 但至少他们不是女巫.

然而, 据史密斯说, 这种测试也是早期欧洲历史上流传下来的神话, 就像在火刑柱上被烧死一样. 这不是17年发生的事th世纪新英格兰. 然而,仍在进行两项标准的女巫测试. The first was to see if the accused witch could recite the Lord's Prayer; 然而, 人们对这个测试的准确性有些怀疑. The other, more widely believed test, was to look for physical signs on the witch's body.

“塞勒姆的人们相信,如果一个人与魔鬼有契约, 会有物理痕迹, 有人会找到他们的,史密斯说.

So, the witch tests 在塞勒姆 consisted mainly of a physical examination for “the witche’s teat,” which the Puritans believed was a sort of third nipple from which a witch's familiar would suck blood.


Myth 4: Rotten wheat, which produced mass 幻觉, caused the hysteria 在塞勒姆.

There is a common theory that suggests that what happened 在塞勒姆 resulted from “convulsive ergotism,当有人吃了用腐烂的小麦做的面包时,就会出现这种情况. 症状包括抽搐, 错觉, 幻觉, 甚至感觉有什么东西在你的皮肤下面爬. 这些都是许多被“蛊惑”的指控者所经历的症状, so some historians theorized that perhaps what happened 在塞勒姆 was a mass delusion caused by the rye bread everyone consumed. 史密斯不同意这一理论.

“塞勒姆歇斯底里症与痉挛性麦角主义无关!史密斯笑着说,“这个理论是在20世纪60年代提出的,这并不奇怪。. 他们当时以为所有人都在嗑药!”

史密斯认为麦角主义在中世纪是一个问题, 到1690年代, 马萨诸塞州就不会有这个问题. 农民和磨坊主应该知道如何发现和避免坏黑麦.


史密斯不仅澄清了一些关于塞勒姆女巫审判的神话, 但他也揭示了许多有趣的事实. 这些鲜为人知的真相甚至可能比虚构的神话更有趣!

事实1:真正造成塞勒姆歇斯底里的是战争创伤的混合, 政治不稳定, 还有巨大的家族恩怨.

“导致这种歇斯底里的原因很复杂,”史密斯解释说. 事实上,他称之为“完美风暴”.”

受创伤的孩子 是塞勒姆歇斯底里症中一个鲜为人知的因素吗. 一切都始于菲利普国王之战, which was a significant conflict between colonizers 和 Indigenous peoples in the 1670s. 战争的暴力迫使许多流离失所的定居者到塞勒姆寻求庇护. 许多难民都是目睹了极端暴力的儿童, 和 those traumatized children grew into teenagers who accused many people of witchcraft.

国王詹姆斯二世的皇家画像,Godfrey Kneller, 1684年

宗教和政治迫害 是另一个原因. In 1685, 国王詹姆斯二世成为统治者, 和, 正如史密斯所说, "他对清教徒恨之入骨,所以他瞄准了像塞勒姆这样的清教徒社区. 国王詹姆斯二世突然被废黜, 威廉三世国王和玛丽二世女王代替他加冕. 有 hope that the new king 和 queen might restore the Puritan colonies to their original power, 但它从未实现.

“因此,令人讨厌的自治领政权消失了, 但是仍然有很多政治上的不稳定和不确定性,史密斯说.


第三个也是最重要的因素是 家庭不和 在塞勒姆. 塞勒姆被分为两个地区:塞勒姆村, 一个贫穷, 农村农业区, 和塞勒姆镇, 一个富裕的, 较发达地区,靠近大型进出口港口. The village wanted to separate from the town 和 claim autonomy, which the town fought.

塞勒姆的黑白地图, with a blue dot near the center indicating 萨勒姆 village 和 a red dot near the right corner indicating 萨勒姆 town
1692年的塞勒姆地图. 塞勒姆镇的所在地被标记为一个红点, 还有一个蓝点在塞勒姆村的大致区域.

Each area had a prominent family: the Putnams from 萨勒姆 Village 和 the Porters from 萨勒姆 Town.

普特南家族非常支持从塞勒姆镇分离出来,波特家族则与之抗争. 所以即使他们来自城里不同的地方, 对土地和政府席位的争夺非常激烈,史密斯说.

这导致了两个家族之间的宿怨,并蔓延到整个塞勒姆. 当女巫审判开始浮出水面时, 这种竞争在谁受到折磨和谁被指控方面发挥了重要作用.

“大约60%或65%的指控来自居住在伦敦西区的人们, 其中绝大多数都与普特南家族有关. 大部分被指控的人都来自村庄的东端, 要么属于波特家族,要么与波特家族有联系,史密斯解释道.

所以这三个因素,都会使孩子受到创伤, 不稳定的政府, 和 the feud between the Putnams 和 Porters—fed into each other 和 ultimately produced the hysteria that became the 萨勒姆 Witch Trials.


我们经常看到女性是塞勒姆女巫审判的目标. 史密斯说,这个观点在历史上是准确的.

这是男性神学家的默认假设, 男部长, 即使是男性科学家, 女人更有可能是女巫,因为夏娃(出自《皇冠体育365赌博》).”


“他们没有排除男人是女巫的可能性, 但他们认为这种可能性较小,因为男性应该更情绪化, 精神上, 智力成熟. So out of the nearly 300 people who were accused, the vast majority were women,” he said.



在那一年里, 20人被当作女巫处决, 史密斯认为这“表明了某种程度的克制?, 考虑到近300人被指控.”

那么,是什么正式结束了长达一年的歇斯底里? 根据史密斯的说法,这是老式的裙带关系.

“这件事被马萨诸塞州州长叫停了, 总督威廉·菲普斯, 自从他妻子被认为是女巫之后,史密斯解释道. “他对法庭说,‘把你们的案卷上的东西弄清楚,然后我们就结束了.' And he started commuting the sentence every time they found someone guilty 和 sentenced to be hanged. 所以绞刑在1693年之前就停止了.”

Fact 4: The State of 麻萨诸塞州 basically swept the trials under the rug for over 250 years.

尽管处决了20个无辜的人, neither the town of 萨勒姆 nor the state of 麻萨诸塞州 provided justice to the victims 和 their families. 任何参与塞勒姆女巫审判的人都没有受到惩罚. 有n't even an official acknowledgment of the wrongdoings for over two 世纪. 在18世纪早期, the colony of 麻萨诸塞州 began quietly paying compensation to survivors 和 family members of the executed compensation, 但直到1957年才有公开道歉或回应.

“从来没有一项决议或马萨诸塞州的立法说, ‘Oh, 这是错误的, 这种事早就不该发生了, 很久以后. 审判之后, 塞勒姆村很快从塞勒姆镇独立出来, 更名为丹佛斯, 尽其所能地说“不”, 这里什么都没发生, 让我们继续,’”史密斯说。.


然而,在今天的塞勒姆,情况却大不相同. 现在, 萨勒姆, 麻萨诸塞州, 拥抱它的女巫传统, with metaphysical shops 和 festivals 和 even a giant statue of a broom-riding Elizabeth Montgomery, 她曾在20世纪60年代的情景喜剧《皇冠体育365》中担任主角.” Thous和s of tourists flock to the city every October to get a feel for the “witchy” atmosphere.

史密斯对塞勒姆万圣节的滑稽行为有着复杂的感情. “很多地方都很俗气,”他说,“但同时,这是一个美丽的小镇! 有一些可爱的房子. 在某种程度上,我很想住在那里. 但在另一个层面上,如果我这样做了,我会在每年10月休假.”


Smith's expertise on the 萨勒姆 Witch Trials help paint a clearer picture of a dark time in American history, 区分事实与虚构. 有些我们认为是真理的事情,现在我们知道是神话. 其他一些模糊的东西现在都清晰了. 想想看,我们甚至不需要水晶球!

如果您对这篇文章感兴趣,请查看 史密斯的特色课程, 尤其是他的专业课, “HIST 497:塞勒姆女巫审判”将在2024年春季学期提供!
